Monday, September 30, 2019

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 17109201 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2012. 1. 5 Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness ——A Probe into the Character of Emily A Rose for Emily is a short story written by American author William Faulkner first published in the April 30, 1930 issue of Forum.It describes the tragedy of a typical southern lady, Miss Emily, who is deeply victimized in her character and mind by the conventional system of the South and patriarchy; thus even though she wants to fight, she still fails to confront and deal with the changes caused by the shock of northern industrialization all by herself and finally leads to destruction and self-destruction on the way of pursuing happiness.This essay concentrates on exploring the character of Emily with the efforts she has made for her life and especially the reasons for her failure in â€Å"fighting† from the three aspects as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, (the well-known phrase applied from the United States Declaration of Independence). 1. The Backup of Early Life As a descendent of the southern conventional noble family, Emily was born in the environment full of the thought of feudalism and hierarchy which makes her acquire not only the attitude of arrogance and indifference to common people, but, most importantly, the habit of obedience to her father.Before her father dies, he is the only one Emily could rely on in her family. Therefore, there should be no blame to her that she depended on her father when she was still young, just as most of us would depend on our parents during our childhood and youth. However, the fact the she gets to be thirty and is still single reveals the abnormality of the dependence. Actually, it is no longer pure dependence on her father. Instead, the dependence has developed into over obedience which then is taken advantage of by her father to control her completely under the constraint of the old southern tradition.The control is ju st described by William Faulkner as the tableau, â€Å"Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door†. The father, a typical symbol of patriarchy, clutching a horsewhip, acts as a tyrant. It’s him who holds the Griersons always a little too high for what they really are and uses his horsewhip, which exactly symbolizes patriarchy, to beat off all of the young men who come to make proposals to his daughter, Miss Emily, believing that no one is quite good enough for her.In fact, in his opinion, none of the young men are quite good enough not for his daughter, but for the old southern tradition and its dignity. He never regards Emily as an independent individual. On the contrary, he regards her as the tool to maintain their dignity in the conventional system. However, Emily has been regarding her father as the whole b ackup of her life since she was born. What’s more, she has been in this state for more than thirty years. She has long been used to this dependence and even allows this kind of dependence to conquer her strong desire for free life and love. To her, this dependence is just her whole life.Therefore, when her father dies, she cannot accept the fact because her father is her whole dependence and the dependence is just her whole life. Her father’s death has also deprived all the hope of her life. Her father and the old tradition her father represents are the root of Emily’s tragedy; thus, her father’s death should be regarded as the chance for Emily to free herself from the constraint of the conventional system. It’s the beginning of Emily’s fighting for her own life, liberty and happiness. 2. Liberty Getting rid of her father’s control is just like releasing from a prison.After a long time of being sick, she is seen again with hair cut sh ort and looks like a girl, which declares the beginning of her liberty. However, Faulkner describes her as resembling to those angels in colored church windows—sort of tragic and serene. The word of â€Å"tragic† seems to have indicated the sad ending of Emily’s life even though she has the chance to gain liberty. And the reason lies on Emily’s wrong interpretation of liberty. From the description by Faulkner, after her father’s death, the character of Emily appearing before the readers is still such an arrogant and indifferent person typically symbolizing the old tradition.It is clearly known by the readers that actually Emily never frees herself from the fetter of the conventional system even though she has gotten rid of her father’s control. However, Emily sees her liberty from a different angle. To her, liberty means to live in a way she has long been used to at her own will. Since her father died, nobody and nothing can ever take her un der control any more. Therefore, she ignores all the others’ denouncing the smell of her house, vanquishes the new generation’s demanding her taxes and rejects the newer generation’s attaching a mailbox.She still carries her head high enough—even when others all believe that she is fallen, because the way of living she has been used to is just to maintain dignity as much as she can in the environment of the old southern tradition. She refuses to free herself from the conventional system because it’s the very place she feels relatively free. In contrast, the new world with all those changes caused by the shock of northern industrialization is where she will feel unsafe, uneasy and uncomfortable.Similarly in the film The Shawshank redemption, the two people, the old log, Brooks, and one of the protagonists, Red, have much difficulty in adjusting themselves to the life outside after they get their parole from decades of imprisonment. Brooks even commi ts suicide and Red can never pea unless asking for permission. And Emily has also been imprisoned for more than thirty years which has made her long ago assimilated by the old tradition. Emily has made efforts for her life and liberty after her father’s death. Unfortunately, she interprets her liberty in the way which is against the development of the new world both in aterial and spiritual aspects. And her false interpretation is still due to the over thirty years’ imprisonment of patriarchy and the conventional system of the South. 3. The Pursuit of Happiness Even though the living style has been assimilated by the convention, there is still something that everyone is born with including Emily. That is the desire for happiness. Emily lives in her own old world but all alone. She earns liberty but lacks happiness. Therefore, when Homer Barron shows up, she believes that he is the source of her happiness and makes up her mind to grasping the slight of hope.However, the chance of gaining happiness is ruined again by the conflict between her old world and the shock of northern industrialization. What’s worse, finally she leads to the road of destruction and self-destruction by her extreme desire resulting from patriarchy and the old tradition’s severe oppression Homer Barron, a Yankee, comes from the north and symbolizes the northern industrialization, which is definitely against the old tradition and even some basic principles of Emily’s own old world such as the feature of dignity. But on the other side, he seems to Emily the hope for her happiness.As a woman oppressed by spiritual loneliness for such a long time, the desire for love and happiness is strong enough to for Emily to conquer the continual restraint of conventional hierarchical thought. As a result, she goes out of the old house, which symbolizes the convention, with her head high and together with Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reins a nd whip in a yellow glove driving in the glittering buggy on Sunday afternoons. She even decides to marry him by buying a complete outfit of men’s clothing regardless of all the objects and conflicts.During this period, she has gradually become deeply trapped in the love and happiness with Homer Barron. She has been oppressed by patriarchy and the southern convention for more than thirty years, and now the love she is experiencing is so unique and incomparable that it has become the whole happiness of her life and that it is impossible for her to let it go. If Homer Barron isn’t going to leave her, then the love and happiness will certainly continue. However, as the symbol of northern industrialization, Homer Barron holds a completely opposite attitude towards the relationship with Miss Emily.He just regards it as a pure way of entertainment without any responsibility, which is a sharp conflict between not only Homer and Emily, but also the morals of northern industria lization and the old southern convention. Under the pressure of the conflicts and the long-term victimization by patriarchy and the convention, Emily’s character and mind has been completely deformed. In the end, to prevent the happiness from disappearing, Emily takes drastic measures as killing Homer and let the body stay with her forever so that her love and happiness will also never leave.This measure finally destroys her whole life and leaves her a complete tragedy as well as Homer Barron. In this extraordinary short story, the character of Emily William Faulkner created has made some efforts to earn her own life and liberty and even persist in the pursuit of happiness. However, her life is based on patriarchy and the conventional system of the South for more than 30 years; the liberty she goes after is still trapped in the old tradition; and her pursuit of happiness comes across the conflicts between the southern old tradition and the shock of northern industrialization. All of these negative factors lead to the final tragic destruction. References Olga W. Vickery. The Novels of William Faulkner: A Critical Appraisal [M]. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1964 Fang Yigui [ ]. [J]. ,2007 1 Liu Aiying [ ]. [J]. ,1998 2 Liu Zhuo [ ] & Peng Changliu [ ]. : [J]. ,2004 5 Wang Minqin [ ]. ?< > [J]. ,2002 2? ,? 66-69 Xiao Minghan [ ].  ·. : ,1997?

Visual Aids Help Tths Students Improve Their English Education Essay

In Vietnam, English is considered the most of import foreign linguistic communication, which is taught as one of the chief topics in schools every bit good as in universities and is besides used the most in communicating among other foreign linguistic communications. Harmonizing to the Longman lexicon of linguistic communication instruction and applied linguistics, English is used as a foreign linguistic communication or a 2nd linguistic communication to pass on with aliens who speak the English linguistic communication in non-English speech production states. The English instruction and acquisition at Thuong Tin High School is non really important in footings of the pupils ‘ accomplishment. Particularly, the large concern is for English vocabulary keeping. At the terminal of the first term 2009 – 2010 merely approximately 50 % of the pupils got an norm of 5 and 6, and merely 8 % got 7 or 8 and the remainder got 3 or 4 in the English unwritten trial in the 2009 State First Term Examination. These figures have made the instructors of English in TT High School feel worried, they need to see the serious job carefully and happen out the best methods to better the state of affairs rapidly. This hapless accomplishment is non new but has lasted for old ages, and at that place have been many things done about it but the state of affairs has non improved. Students have been given excess lessons so that they have more clip to pattern their English, particularly English speech production lessons, they have been helped a batch with alteration before every trial. They have even been provided with well-prepared hand-outs of the points on which they are traveling to be tested and told what to larn to make the trials good. In malice of what they have been informed and reminded of, unexpected things have still occurred, pupils have non improved their accomplishment, and the fact that most pupils were non really adept in speech production and authorship trials which were shown on the study of first term. To happen out which factors are of import in linguistic communication acquisition, it is necessary to hold a close expression at societal factors every bit good as a figure of psychological dimensions of difference. Attitudes and motive, assurance, intelligence, linguistic communication aptitude, and linguistic communication acquisition schemes have besides been found to hold an consequence on linguistic communication scholars ‘ success in their linguistic communication acquisition ( Gardner, 2001 ) . The research undertaking took topographic point at Thuong Tin High School located in Thuong Tin, a town about 30 kilometers from Ha Noi Capital and has been developing really fast. The people have become richer and a big figure of households have invested money in after school activities and private tutoring for their kids in English and other nucleus topics. If pupils and scholars have an first-class degree of English, they will derive credence to higher schools of larning and better-paid occupations. English is an of import and mandatory topic at about every school in Vietnam. Thus, normally pupils have to larn English for at least 7 old ages, from grade 6 to rate 12. In many schools in metropoliss kids start larning English in grade 3. There is even a tendency to larn English before simple school as their parents believe that the English linguistic communication is a utile investing for their kids ‘s hereafter. Most occupations now require the appliers to hold cognition of English linguistic communication at certain degrees. Though English is taught from class 3 in primary schools, most high school pupils are hard to read an English paragraph fluently, talk to each other in English as a conversation, listen to a short debut on telecasting or compose a missive or even a paragraph of description in English good. The issue that why most TTHS pupils have still had low consequences on speech production and composing trials though they have been helped a batch before trials, and what possible solutions could be found. The TTHS instructors have had a serious treatment and come to conclusion that most TTHS pupils have low English vocabulary keeping and this has great influence on their speech production and composing trials. Students can non talk, listen, read and compose English if they do non hold plenty necessary English vocabulary. But what we, instructors, have to make to assist our pupils better their English vocabulary. More things must be done to alter the state of affairs for the better, and the concerns were carried out, such as ; motive, methods of instruction and acquisition, environment of instruction and acquisition, stuffs and inclusive of Visual Aids. The defined solution for this issue was that Using Visual Aids to assist pupils better English vocabulary keeping, because the instr uctors believed that there is no ways of larning vocabulary better than seeing the existent things or illustrated things. Most instructors of English agree that it is hard for them to hold successful lessons on vocabulary or communicating without ocular AIDSs and pupils will non be easy to understand and pattern if they do non hold certain ocular AIDSs for every undertaking because pupils do non hold plenty necessary vocabulary to pattern. The intent of this research is to find utilizing Ocular Aids helps TTHS pupils improve English vocabulary and the effects that ocular instruction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils.Research inquiries:How do VISUAL AIDS aid pupils better English vocabulary keeping? What effects do ocular instruction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils?LITERATURE REVIEWOcular AIDSsBrown ( 1973:1 ) emphasizes that utilizing assortment of media, ocular AIDSs, will increase the chance that the pupils will larn more, retain better what they learn and better their public presentation of the accomplishments they are expected to develop. Furthermore, Finocchiaro ( 1974:63 ) provinces that the pupils will understand and retain better when they have been shown or taught some objects that associate with it. Educational professionals have acknowledged the fact that pupils who struggle in reading comprehension because they may miss the ability to grok words. Joseph ( 2006 ) realised, â€Å" there are several attacks to learning word-reading accomplishments but few integrated systematic processs that facilitate command, construct eloquence and lead to keeping of accomplishments for fighting readers † ( p.803 ) . Students who struggle in acquisition accomplishments need specific intercessions to increase their reading degree and word cognition. These intercessions should be ongoing and occur early in the acquisition procedure in order to ease the cognitive burden at the pupils ‘ current reading degree and for the following class degree. Using ocular AIDSs to heighten English vocabulary and vocabulary keeping is a scheme that has been researched and implemented into TTHS English classromms. With the usage of ocular AIDSs, such as ; reliable stuffs or illustrated things, pupils could increase their English vocabulary keeping every bit good as they can establish on their vocabulary to better their speech production, composing, listening and reading comprehension accomplishments. Joseph ( 2006 ) confirmed that pupils tend to be more motivated and take to finish assignments and undertakings that contain some points that are known to them and that appear to demand lower degree of attempt because they feel confident about their ability to finish such undertakings. If implemented decently, ocular AIDSs, which are reliable stuffs or illustrated things, can do on-going deffernces in pupils ‘ ability to read with assurance independently and continually. It is the consistence of vocabulary intercessions that allows the fighting pupils to see the vocabulary footings within the reading transition if they are to spread out their cognition of the vocabulary term. This can do the difference in their proficiency of linguistic communication acquisition Dave ( 1975: 10-11 ) besides proposes some of the ocular AIDSs as follows: Real things and toys with different kinds, sizes and colourss are utile to draw pupils ‘ involvement. Real things can be presented to pupils by agencies of field trip or conveying the object to the category for direct observation. Chalkboard or blackboard are certain to be the most utile instruction AIDSs, used in the category. They have the advantage of supplying points of attending for the category and they can be used for many intents. Pictures are flashed for a brief minute, therfore, the images should be simple and large sufficiency to be seen clearly by every pupil in the category. Wall charts or wall images are large documents with some images and words, utile for showing vocabulary to the category. From the account above, non all of media can be applied in the schoolroom ; the instructors have to choose the appropriate media that straight related to the acquisition procedure. Vocabulary appraisals should besides be used for a precursor to measure pupils ‘ comprehension. Johnston ( 1997 ) pointed that â€Å" as childen spend more and more clip reading and authorship, many modus operandis and common forms become automatic, picking up velocity and really traveling through a different portion of the encephalon, no longer affecting witting attempts † ( p 145 ) . This is an of import factor if pupils are to go independent of the schoolroom instructor. It is of import to increase pupils ‘ tool chest of vocabulary schemes. Harmonizing to Haycraft ( 1983: 102 ) learning AIDSs can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practicing construction and word order or for assortment of games. Besides, learning AIDSs can besides give a great aid to the instructor in the category. A scholar can non ever successfully learn English merely by listening to the account from the instructor. Ocular AIDSs help teacher give more accent on pronunciation of the words, vocalizations and wrong written of words. Furthermore, in vocabulary category, the scholars are encouraged to give their sentiments about the ocular AIDSs that are presented by the instructor, therefore the scholars can be more active in teaching-learning procedure. Ocular AIDSs are besides really utile to develop the pupils to talk and memorise the words automatically. Ocular AIDSs, particularly images are really utile in learning vocabulary to promote and actuate the pupils to larn the linguistic communication. As stated by Coppen ( 1969: 88 ) images are parts of ocular AIDSs. â€Å" The intent of image is to supply a stimulation which will arouse a peculiar response from the scholar. The image represents some action and in order to larn the appropriate words to depict the action itself must non be in inquiry † . Pictures are parts of ocular AIDSs. They may be used in learning the simple school pupils to avoid ennui. Brown ( 1973: 410 ) states some maps of images as follows: Media are used to learn the pupils to larn efficaciously. Pictures help the pupils read the books and finally interpret and memorize words. Edmund Fason ( 1959: 416 ) provinces that teaching-learning procedure with images will acquire win if the images are related to the stuff of the survey, images should be coloured and varied, colorful images intensify the pupils ‘ imaginativeness. Using ocular AIDSs can give a great aid to the instructor in the category. The pupils will non ever be successful in larning English merely by listening to the account from the instructor or by reading many books. Using ocular AIDSs in vocabulary category promote the pupils to give their sentiments about the presented images. The instructor can do them more active during the teaching-learning procedure. Furthermore, blinking ocular AIDSs for a short clip is really utile for the pupils to talk and memorise the words automatically.RetentionRetention should be a demand for the acquisition of vocabulary footings. Joseph ( 2008 ) makes these recommendations, â€Å" in specific environmental conditions, words that were taught were considered learned when they were read right on next-day keeping investigations. Wordss that were non read right on next-day keeping investigations were non considered learned. Previously taught but unconditioned words were retaught with the same instructional s tatus until they were read right on next-day keeping investigations † ( p 298 ) . This would be a good process to follow if scholars are to highten their keeping of vocabulary footings. These keeping investigations were designed to mensurate pupils ‘ vocabulary acquisition. Retention investigations were ever administered the twenty-four hours instantly following the instructional status and before another unit of ammunition of instructional conditions bagan. Each keeping investigation consisted of all the ocular AIDSs of unknown words that were taught in the previuos day-to-day sessons. The ocular AIDSs were exchanged and presented as one group of words to the pupils. Reiser and Dempsey ( 2007 ) provinces, â€Å" maximising larning with rich media involves two memories systems ; working memory and long term memory that shapes human larning † ( p314 ) .MethodologySubjectsThis research survey took topographic point in Thuong Tin High School in Thuong Tin town, 30 ki lometers off from the Centre of Ha Noi Capital. The topics involved in this research were 40 pupils, they were in two different categories 12A2 and 12A3 ( aged 16-18 ) . They were indiscriminately selected to set into two groups: 20 pupils in the control group ( 12A2 ) and 20 other pupils in the experimental group ( 12A3 ) ( This means that the category 12A2 has 20 participants who belong to the control group, and the category 12A3 has 20 participants who belong to the experimental group ) . All of them are grade-12 pupils in the school twelvemonth 2009 – 2010 and travel to school everyday from Monday to Saturday. They have 3 English periods every hebdomad, each period lasts 45 proceedingss. The experiment lasted one month. After organizing two groups, a trial was given to pupils to look into their English vocabulary so that the research worker could guarantee pupils in two groups had the English vocabulary equality ( Appendice 2 ) .Instruments.Many ocular AIDSs were used when carry oning this research, this was done by utilizing images, existent things and illustrated things. To do clear the research inquiry, these following types of informations were collected: studies, pre-tests and post-tests, interviews, observations, and trial tonss. A study was given at the beginning of the survey to find if the pupils enjoyed larning English and their attitudes to the instructional manner of the category ( Appendice 1 ) . This helped me understand pupils ‘ perceptual experience of the category and if any alterations, other than those used during the survey, needed to be made to maximise the pupils ‘ academic public presentation. A Pre-test and Post-test were used before and after the research to happen out the difference between the pre-test consequences and post-test consequences in order to cognize whether students'vocabulary keeping has been improved ( Appendice 3A, 3B ) . Observations and trial tonss were besides used as measuring tools. In order to take notes and find the engagement and attitudes of the pupils, observations were used daily. Make the pupils respond otherwise to the assorted ocular AIDSs? Were the pupils on undertaking during a certain ocular scheme? Did the pupils enjoy some ocular schemes over others? Detecting besides made it possible to find if outside variables affected the pupils ‘ trial tonss. Were the pupils holding a nerve-racking twenty-four hours? Did the pupils merely come back to school from a vacation interruption? To find if the usage of visuals affected trial tonss, trial tonss during the four hebdomad survey were compared with those from the old four hebdomads. At the terminal of the survey, the replies to the inquiries must be found ; Why do TTHS pupils speak, listen to, read and compose English so severely? How do ocular AIDSs help them better their English vocabulary keeping? Which effects do the ocular instru ction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils?Design and Methods of Data CollectionWhen implementing the experiment, the research worker used different ocular AIDSs in lessons, for illustration ; images, existent things and illustrated things were utilised instead so that pupils could understand the mentioned words and memorise them more efficaciously. Interviews were done earlier and after the research in order to cognize whether pupils were interested in the experiment, how they behaved during the research and what they achieved after the research. Observation was implemented in the procedure of research, this helped the research worker know that all the pupils in the experimental group took portion in the experiment on a regular basis. Trial tonss were done after the experiment finished, the trial tonss were collected from the pre-test consequences and the post-test consequences to demo the betterment and difference of utilizing ocular AIDSs in instruction and larning English vocabulary. Teaching activities that used ocular AIDSs were provided to the experimental group pupils in the category 12A3 in all the lessons ; listening, speech production, reading and composing lessons every hebdomad.ConsequenceSurvey Results.The study that was given to the two English categories included five inquiries and five replies, Numberss 1-5 ( Appendice 1 ) . When asked pupils the five inquiries, the research worker found that there was a large difference about pupils ‘ attitude to larning English, and larning English vocabulary with the aid of ocular AIDSs before and after the experiment. The consequence was compared in the Pre and Post-survey ( Appendice 1 ) . Questions Answers Before the experiment ( n=students ) After the experiment ( n=students ) 1. Make you bask larning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do non like larning English, why? Because: Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of ocular AIDSs 46 62 3. Would you like to larn English vocabulary by watching ocular AIDSs, such as ; images, existent things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Make you believe you will better your English vocabulary better by looking at the ocular AIDSs when you are discoursing a subject? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should ocular AIDSs be used and taught on a regular basis and diversely in categories Yes 48 66 No 32 14 There were several trials ( a sample trial in appendice 2 ) given to pupils in the both groups to guarantee that the pupils in the experimental group was tantamount with pupils in the control group about the English vocabulary before the experiment. Groups Percentage of words that recalled and written down before the experiment 0 – 20 % 30 – 50 % 50 – 70 % 80 – 100 % Control group ( n=20 ) 2 8 7 3 Experimental Group ( n=20 ) 3 9 6 2Interview ResultsIn each group, 5 pupils were indiscriminately invited to interview before and after the experiment. They were asked to give replies to 3 inquiries ( Appendice 4 ) . The 5 pupils in the experimental group produced the same words as the 5 pupils in the control group before the experiment but the experimental pupils produced more words than the control pupils after the ezperiment. a. An interview before the experiment B. An interview after the experiment.Trials ConsequencesPre-tests:Groups Number of words 10 – 40 40 – 70 70 -100 Control ( n=students ) 8 9 3 Experimental ( n-students ) 7 10 4Pots-testsGroups Number of words ( n=100 words ) 10 – 40 40 – 70 70 -100 Control ( n=students ) 5 10 5 Experimental ( n-students ) 2 11 7 From the consequences of the post-tests, it was easy to happen that if pupils were provided with ocular AIDSs in their lessons. They could increase their vocabulary much better. Before the experiment, the two groups were tantamount in their vocabulary, but at that place was a large spread between the control group and experimental group after the experiment. The experimental group increased their vocabulary a batch more than they were earlier. However, the control group did non better their vocabulary a batch.Questionnaire ConsequencesAfter the survey clip, the 20 pupils in the experimental group were given a five inquiry interview about their feelings towards the category. The replies were categorized as either being understanding and dissension and compared with the consequences before the experiment.. Comparison of Agreement and Disagreement Responses from the Interview Question Answers from Ex-group ( n=students ) Yes NO Before After Before After 1 ) Do you like the English category? 8 15 12 5 2 ) Do you bask larning with ocular AIDSs 12 17 7 3 3 ) Do you believe the ocular AIDSs are assisting you? 10 14 10 6 4 ) Do you desire to hold ocular AIDSs in future lessons? 11 16 9 4 5 ) Are you motivated with and interested in larning English vocabulary with ocular AIDSs? 10 18 10 2DiscussionThe aim of my research was to happen out how ocular AIDSs aid pupils better their English vocabulary and to detect if ocular acquisition schemes have an consequence on ESL academic accomplishment in a high school English schoolroom. The chief findings of this research show that there is a positive correlativity between the usage of ocular AIDSs and the consequences when utilizing studies, interviews, observations, and trial mark comparingComparison of Averages from the Control and Study PeriodsHarmonizing to Dong ( 2002 ) , he found that when instructors use visuals, the pupils inquire more inquiries. During the survey period, I observed that the pupils in the experiment asked more inquiries than the control group. The pupils were interested in the ocular AIDSs and ever asked inquiries to clear up their misinterpretation.DecisionThis research indicates that pupils may larn in many different ways and instructors should make many things possible to back up and to run into th e demands of all pupils. Ocular AIDSs can interrupt the linguistic communication barrier that separates pupils from instructors. Pictures, ral things or illustrated things ever helped to explicate both particular and common English words to the full. For illustration, the word â€Å" fire an employee † was given to pupils in a inquiry on a trial, but none of the pupils in the category knew what that word meant and seeking to explicate it did non assist either. The significance of the word was so made clear when I made a image on the board. This research would urge that instructors use as many ocular AIDSs as possible in their schoolroom. This research besides shows that ocular AIDSs can increase pupils ‘ English vocabulary and better their vocabulary keeping. The most utile and popular ocular AIDSs were introduced in category were images, illustrated things, such as ; toys or theoretical account signifiers. For illustration, during the unit on autos, it was so easy for pupils to think and to cognize the parts of a auto when they saw images of auto parts or a toy auto. My research had a positive impact on pupil acquisition, English is rather a hard topic with tonss of vocabulary and visuals are the best manner to larn those words. There are besides a batch of subjects that have to be covered in an English category. Visuals, particularly images, are a great manner to demo pupils the overall construct and the minute inside informations of a subject. The pupils in my English category have learnt and improved their vocabulary a batch when I applied the ocular AIDSs in the category. As already mentioned, images were the most popular and effectual. There was a purpose behind each and every ocular. I carefully planned out how I would make and explicate each ocular so that pupils could execute good.MentionsCollier, V. P. ( 1992 ) . A synthesis of surveies analyzing long-run linguistic communication minority pupil informations on academic accomplishment. Bilingual Research Journal, 16 ( 1-2 ) , 187-212. Dong, Y. R. ( 2002 ) . Integrating linguistic communication and content: Education and Bilingualism, 5 ( 2 ) , 40-57. Duran, B. J. , Dugan, T. , & A ; Weffer, R. ( 1998 ) . Language minority pupils in high school Hamblen, K. A. ( 1993 ) . Theories and research that support art direction for instrumental results. Theory into Practice, 3 ( 4 ) , 191-198. Mayer, R. E. ( 1989 ) . Models for understanding. Review of Educational Research, 59 ( 1 ) , 43-64. Gardner, R.C. ( 1985 ) , Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The function of attitudes and motive, London: Edward Arnold Gardner, R. C. 2001. Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher.Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, Volume 6, A Number 1, A Fall 2001. Joseph, L. ( 2006, May ) . Incremental dry run: A flash card drill technique for increasing keeping of reading words. International Reading Association, 51 ( 1 ) , 90-92. Petrie, G. M. ( 2003 ) . ESL instructors ‘ positions on ocular linguistic communication: A grounded theory. The Reading Matrix, 3 ( 3 ) , 137-168. Tan, A. , & A ; Nicholson, T. ( 1997, June ) . Training hapless readers to read words faster better their comprehension of vocabulary. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89 ( 2 ) , 276.Appendice 1SurveyThe servey was given to 2 categories ( each category consists of 40 pupils ) .Questions Answer Before the experiment ( n=students ) After the experiment ( n=students ) 1. Make you bask larning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do non like larning English, why? Because: Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of ocular AIDSs 46 62 3. Would you like to larn English vocabulary by watching ocular AIDSs, such as ; images, existent things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Make you believe you will better your English vocabulary better by looking at the ocular AIDSs when you are discoursing a subject? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should ocular AIDSs be used and taught on a regular basis and diversely in categories Yes 48 66 No 32 14

Saturday, September 28, 2019

New guideline explores professionalism in nursing Essay

Professionalism in nursing is an essential ingredient in achieving a healthy work environment and is enabled by the context of practice ( Registered Nurse Association of Ontario 2007) In nursing profession recognition by the global and society as the professional group is important due to the higher standard of expectation from the society to the nursing career as a caregiver And being a professional in a nursing career is a key to achieve the target and good quality in services provided to society. Why the professionalism is required to the nursing career this is due to demanding of high quality and standard skill ,knowledge and altruism that putting the patient as the first interest, self sacrifice and the right attitude while dealing with the society or patient as a caregiver., showing and proven of the excellence commitment in lifelong learning to improved their skill and development as during in duty nurses should showing their commitment beyond others and should committed to th e community service and the professional organization. The public has the right to get the professional competence from the nurses who are giving the service to them. from the American Nurses Association 2017 (ANA) believe that it is the nursing profession responsibilities to shape and guided any process for assuring nurses competency. Through the quality measurement, research and learning to become professional nurses need to be skillful in their job scope knowledgeable continue to have continued learning education, providing mentoring to guide and monitoring the work done and following by the code and conduct as a key for safeguarding the health and wellbeing to the public.There are few elements of professionalism listed for the nurses as the nursing career is expected growing faster than the average rate of 19 through 2022 according to Bereu Labor Of Statistic.There are 5 critical professional skills to be adapted (Kristina Ericson 2015)the strong and effective communication between physician and nurses is compulsory to convey the right information to relatives regarding patient condition ,medication and others medical concern.paying intention on report and details of patient which is if mislead will became fatal to the patient, an also being flexible to working schedule also part of professional integrity in nu rsing profession as patient to comes first ,another element is critical thinking ,nurses are able to make crucial decision during the critical time by analyzing and determined the best solution for patient. Nurses are required to update the skill and have the desire to improve knowledge and develop skills continues will bring them to the professionalism in a nursing career.the one and important to develop professionalism in the nursing career is mentoring system Mentoring is a crucial part of the nursing organization as there are many nurses need help and guidance from the skillful and knowledgeable staff. This can contribute to career satisfaction and improvement .majority has reported that nurses are participating in mentorship relation.( Bette Marianni 2012) mentoring is something that both mentor and mentee are willing to share knowledge,emotion and feedback after the carried out duties done,this will give impact in professional management and skills among nurses.Studies done by Bette Mariani 2012 stated that nurses who have the willingness and sense of satisfaction in career will contribute to the growth of the profession. Mentor is define as the person who give a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of time. ( Cambridge Advance Learner dictionary and Thesaurus).while Riverside Websters ii New Collage Dictionary1995 define mentor as a wise and trusted teacher or counselor. The mentees describe by Merriam Webster is the one who is being monitored by mentor.Mentoring will give benefit to nurses in term and career success and advancement in personal and pr ofessional satisfaction and develop self-esteem and confidence. (Van Olsen 2002) The professional and personal satisfaction develop while in sharing stories, referencing of the problem and finding the solution by the experienced nurses to the mentees will be become a role modeling to the nursing profession and enhance the quality in leadership ( Vance And Olsen 2002). I believed mentoring one of the best way of achievement in nursing professional skills . . Y, did(x(I_TS1EZBmU/xYy5g/GMGeD3Vqq8K)fw9 xrxwrTZaGy8IjbRcXI u3KGnD1NIBs RuKV.ELM2fiVvlu8zH (W )6-rCSj id DAIqbJx6kASht(QpmcaSlXP1Mh9MVdDAaVBfJP8AVf 6Q

Friday, September 27, 2019

Systems Analysis and Design Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Systems Analysis and Design - Case Study Example To identify if the migration succeeded, the primary step is evaluating database values between new and old systems, a test called a parallel type of test. The finishing success is the acceptance test, performing business operations, as well as processes effectively (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012). The system will develop in every iteration. Integration testing shall be done as part of every iteration. The first system testing will be done in each iteration as a part of the build and smoke testing that is done. Nevertheless, a complete system testing will be conducted as part of a separate system as well as acceptance test activity. Now that integration testing along with build and smoke testing is conducted in each iteration, at the project end, there shall be the definition of a testing iteration to finalize system testing. In this final iteration, the following will take place. System testing, acceptance testing and stress and performance testing (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012). Q1. Based on Figure 14-6—the XP methodology— divide your use cases into releases and iterations within each release. Develop a project iteration plan that includes the necessary activities at each level (system, release, iteration) for integration testing and acceptance testing. Compare your answer to this question to the project iteration plan you developed for Chapter 9. This system is used by contemplative media agents who rarely are in their offices and the media managers who work frequently in their offices. Therefore, the use cases that mostly apply to media managers will work well on larger computers with screens and keyboards. Some use cases, especially those for view the contemplative practices, will work well for notepads and laptops as well as for smartphone devices (Satzinger, Jackson & Burd, 2012). The entire use cases as well as pages that view practices would be improved if map and location information are provided. This will facilitate both customers and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Essay Evaluation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evaluation - Essay Example The ideas are also portrayed with a lot of clarity and with the right diction. The details are presented in a way that all persons can comprehend. However, the work can be questioned on its originality. A lot of direct quotes have been indicated in the work and with no in-text citations. Actually, the author quotes different articles in a different sites leaving the reader to question which article in that site. At the end of the work, one cannot tell the author of the articles that were used in the essay. One can get mixed up when reading when the author uses examples that are not comprehensive like when he says that Ryan was killed (Tapia 4). I would be better if the author gave more details on the events that ensued before the victim was killed. The conclusion would also have been made more inclusive and stronger. A lot also needs to be done on the Work Cited page in terms of paragraphing, indenting and including the authors’

A business plan for La Italia Ristorante italian restaurant Essay

A business plan for La Italia Ristorante italian restaurant - Essay Example CURRENT SALE MIX 8 III. MARKET AND COMPETITION 8 A. DESCRIPTION OF CUSTOMER 8 B. CUSTOMER OCCASSIONS, NEEDS AND BENEFITS 9 C. MARKET SEGMENTS 9 D. MARKET SIZE IN THE AREA 10 E. LOCATION OF CUSTOMER AND FLOWS 10 F. MARKET PROJECTS OVER THE PERIOD 10 G. COMPETITIONS 10 IV. COMPETITIVE BUSINESS STRATEGY 12 A. PRICING POLICY 12 B. PROMOTIONAL PLANS 12 V. FORECAST AND RESULTS 16 A. OPERATIONAL BUDGETS 16 B. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES AND ACTION PLANS 19 VI. CONCLUSION 19 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Passion for authentic Italian food is what prompted the management team to conceptualize La Italia Ristorante, the newest Italian full service restaurant located at the Edgware Station in London. Geared towards providing the target market with only the best when it comes to Italian cuisine, La Italia Ristorante’s operations will be focused on providing good food, served by an excellent team, within a restaurant that offers the perfect ambiance for fine dining. The crew will work towards making a mark among its customers by offering a unique type of service the ‘La Italia Ristorante’ way. As a start-up business, it recognizes the challenges that the team faces, first of which is the presence of many competitors within the area, and in the whole of London. The company has to have a way to get a chunk of the market share, develop loyal customers and achieve its business objectives. Financing will come mainly from personal savings, to be supported by a bank loan, which management sees to close within five years from start of operations, to do this, financial strategies focusing on cash flow and inventory management shall be implemented. Marketing and promotions will enjoy a huge chunk of the budget since management also sees the need and importance of a good promotional and marketing campaign. Other factors that management will employ are: effective human resources management and operations focusing on fulfilling the needs of the customers – looking at cost effic ient ways to operate without sacrificing product and service quality. II. THE BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT A. HISTORY AND OVERVIEW OF PROGRESS TO DATE La Italia Ristorante is a full service Italian restaurant offering lunch, dinner and snacks from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Midnight, seven days a week. It is located at the Edgware Station, competing along the likes of II Mascalzone and Amaretto Pizza Restaurant. The restaurant sits 80 guests, with its 20 table sets. La Italia Ristorante has a designated non-smoking and smoking area, which are the restaurant interior and main hall, and the veranda area respectively. The company also accepts delivery service within London’s vicinity in two ways: one is through phone and the other, through their website. It implements a guaranteed 45-minute delivery time, and as a challenge, it offers 100% rebate for all those who waited for more than 45 minutes for the pizza and pasta deliveries. The food business offers cash and credit card payments. Food d elivery is available from 10:00 in the morning, to 10:00 in the evening. All food products are guaranteed fresh and cooked only upon receipt of order. The decision to establish an independent restaurant springs forth from the fact management wants to be able to offer a unique experience, set apart from those quick service establishments. They also would like to maximize the fact the clients have an inclination to support local independent restaurants (Independent Restaurant Appeal – unique menus and local atmosphere could lure patrons away from chains, reports Mintel 2011) B. CURRENT MISSION La Italia’s mission is to be the preferred dine in Italian Restaurant within the vicinity, and the most chosen in terms on delivery service. C. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS NEEDED A start-up company, it plans

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Western history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Western history - Essay Example Principia or The Mathematical Principles of Natural Knowledge is a book that was published by Isaac Newton in 1687. It contained a principle he formulated now known as the law of universal attraction or gravitation. The law simply states: â€Å"Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force varying inversely as the square of the distance between them and directly proportional to the product of their masses.† 1. Condorcet and the future of humanity. Marquis de Condorcet, French mathematician and philosophe, had three hopes: one, that all nations will be one day equal to each other; two, that there will be equality in each of the nations themselves, and; three, that mankind will be perfect. Condorcet’s basis for believing that one day, all these will happen is the fact that based on the historical past, men and states were set free and liberated from ignorance and superstition by the emergence of enlightened men who saw reason as their only master. 2. a) The painting implies that all people of all classes are influenced by the books of enlightenment because everyone included in the scene seem to be holding one or near one. The poor couple on the right lower portion, one sitting down on some really huge ones and the woman bending over to him with books strewn all over her feet. On the left side lower portion, a clergyman with a book tucked under an arm is talking to some men, perhaps about the book he is holding. A woman holding a book can be seen gaily conversing with a traveler resting in front of the bookstore and all over its facade are probably advertisements of books on sale in the bookstore. b) The clergy is obviously an important and authoritative figure in the community, even beyond the pulpit. Everything that he says, people listen and the fact that the clergy in the picture is holding a book implies that his exposure to the ideas in the book will most likely be communicated to the community which

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Challenging Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Challenging Behavior - Essay Example Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy: The Special Educational Needs Policy is the backbone of the policy framework of Hampshire County Council. It serves as a key element for supporting and catering to the needs of children and adolescents between the ages of 0-19 (Hampshire County Council, 2009, p.1-9.). Main Priorities: The main priorities indicated by the policy are the formation of a safer and securer environment of Hampshire for all citizens, the enhancement of the quality of services being provided, responding effectively to the improvements the community wants, meeting the demands of the local people, and maximising well-being and prosperity in the community. SEN provisions of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act takes account for the appeal of rights of children with special educational needs to study in mainstream schools, a right for nursery education providers, educational institutes to request a statutory evaluation, and assessment of a child and achievement of substantial acts, to ensure the arrangements to provide the parents of children with SEN with services offering advice and necessary information as a means to resolve and refute disputes by enforcing LEA duties. It is a sign of popularity of the policy amongst the community that it has been revised for the period of 2009-2012. This revised policy is responsive to certain changes whilst ensuring that the local authorities fulfil the duties and responsibilities required by the SEN and Disability Act 2001, and improve its standards of quality service provided (Department of Health, 2005, p.2-24). The revised policy focuses upon the progress made by children and young people from their birth to adulthood, in pre-school settings and in schools, and the promotion of their well-being, learning, and achievements. Aims and Objectives: The policy aims to improve and maintain the quality of provision for children with special educational needs wherever it is delivered. It is also striving to recognise further that schools and supporting services collectively provide for the needs of all children in the community. Operating effective assessment systems as early as possible in conjunction and collaboration with other agencies is another objective which has to be reached. Other important aims of the policy include allocation and usage of resources effectively and equitably in an efficient manner, and to assure that partnerships and associations with children, parents/carers and other stakeholders, work effectively (Hampshire County Council, 2009, p.1-9). Mentioned above is the rationale and achievements of SEN, but the following conclusions are obtained on the critical analysis of SEN: Methods: The methodology used involves a review of the related previous literature, a thorough study of the old and revised policies of SEN, Interviews with experts on field and conduction of case studies and surveys. Findings and Recommendations: SEN System lacks in addressing the inacce ssibility of the services to the parents of children with behaviour issues. The parents have to face many challenges in getting the right support for their children. The conflict amongst the local authorities and delay in services has resulted in the undermining of confidence of people. The revised policy is concentrated on the children in the Hampshire County only; the children from other areas are not receiving these privileges and the emphasis on the collaboration of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Recession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Recession - Essay Example The beginning and impacts of the 2008 recession in individual countries today remains a constant reminder of the policies and measures the governments and financial analysts in the financial institutions ought to address as priorities. Most economists and analysts tend to emphasis on the start and spread of the recession in 2008. While its spread is quite clear in the western countries during and after 2008, there is no doubt it began in the United States towards the end of 2007. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) recognizes the global recession to have started in December 2007 in the US economy, when it was identified with the sliding of the labour market especially in the last quarter of the year (Borbely, 2009). However, it was only a hit for the national economy of the US until it spread to other linked economies in 2008. The cause of the recession is linked to the economic cyclic performance of the housing market in USA, which later affected the economic performances of other industries. The United Stated had been experiencing a steady economic growth, with a healthy labour market and a rapid growth in the housing market after 2001. In the housing sector, home prices increased and more construction took place, contributing to increased employment, mortgage financing and growth in real estates and generated a positive wealth effect that triggered higher spending vital for the overall economic growth (Goodman and Mance, 2011). All the housing price inflations in the USA tended to follow a particular pattern after WWWII. The 2001-2006 case was no exception, as it was a period marked with loose monetary policy. Two years prior to the 2007 recession, the US economy experienced expansion in credit and money supply. This fuelled excessive borrowing at low interest rates to finance housing purchases; this in turn increased aggregate demand for household products and other consumption (, 2010).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Balanced score card of puppy Luv Doggy day care Essay Example for Free

Balanced score card of puppy Luv Doggy day care Essay Robert Kaplan and David Norton first introduced the Balanced Scorecard in the early 1990’s as a strategic management system that forces managers to focus on the important performance metrics that lead to success. There are four perspectives of BSC as following: 1. Financial perspective This is the standard perspective that everyone uses even before the BSC. Even a non-profit organization uses this perspective in order to balance their books. It measures financial performances through financial ratios and other financial indicators. In the case of Puppy Luv Doggy Day Care, the financial perspective includes strategic objectives in following areas: ? Market share ? Revenues and costs ? Profitability ? Competitive position 2. Customer Perspective It is a measure of corporate value viewed from the value it delivers to customers. For instance, time taken to process a phone call, result of customers’ surveys, number of complaints, competitive rankings, etc. In the case of Puppy Luv Doggy Day Care, the Customer Value Perspective includes strategic objectives in following areas:? Customer retention or turnover ? Customer satisfaction ? Customer value 3. Business Process Perspective It measures corporate value from the enhancement of its business processes, like time spent prospecting, quality cost, product rework required, etc. In the case of Puppy Luv Doggy Day Care, Process or Internal Operations Perspective includes strategic objectives in following areas: ? Measure of process performance ? Productivity or productivity improvement ? Operations metrics 4. Learning and Growth Perspective. This perspective measures corporate value from its learning abilities or the progress of its learning processes. Example of activities measures are staff training, employee suggestion and improvement of certain processes as an outcome of the learning process (‘Balanced Scorecard’, 2006). In the case of Puppy Luv Doggy Day Care, the Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective includes strategic objectives in following areas: ? Employee satisfaction ? Employee turnover or retention ? Level of organization capability ? Nature of organization culture or climate. ? Technological innovation These perspectives are then adaptable to various businesses by choosing different drivers for each perspective. The BSC can also detect and measure correlation between activities, in order to help decide which activities positively impacted others. For instance an online customer service can help reducing telephone calls and time to handle complaints, thus increasing effectiveness of business processes. According to Kaplan and Norton, there are various utilities of the Balance Scorecard. Some of them are: to clarify and update strategy, communicate strategy, align unit goals with corporate strategy, link strategic objectives to long term target, etc (‘Balanced Scorecard’, 2006). Table 2 KPI based on Balanced Scorecard of Puppy Luv Doggy Day Care. Reference: Balanced Scorecard Institute. (2009). Balanced Scorecard Basics. Retrieved August 5, 2009 from http://www. balancedscorecard. org/BSCResources/AbouttheBalancedScorecard/tabid/55/Default. aspx Hansen, Don R. And Mayanne M. Mowen. (2003). Management Accounting. Ohio: South-Western College Publishing Co Niven, Paul R. (2006). Adapting the Balanced Scorecard to Fit the Public Sector. Retrieved August 5, 2009 from http://www. bettermanagement. com/seminars/seminar. aspx? l=5545 Shaw, Greg L and John R. Harrald. (2004). Identification of the Core Competencies Required of Executive Level Business Crisis and Continuity Managers. Retrieved August 5, 2009 from http://www. gwu. edu/~dhs/pubs/identifycore_2004. pdf#search=businesslevel%20strategic%20control.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Religious Imagery In The Godfather

Religious Imagery In The Godfather Describe the religious imagery Coppola uses during the Baptism scene at the end of the Godfather. How is this ceremony used to heighten the tension of the scene? What statement (if any) is he making by cross-cutting between the murders and the ceremony? The Baptism scene is one of the most exceptional scenes in the Godfather movie because Coppola-the director- combined visuals, language, music, and editing in a very powerful way. To summarize the scene, Michael, the Godfathers son, sets up himself as the new Godfather and settles the family issues by ordering him men to murder his enemies. In this scene, Coppola uses montage editing to cut between those two scenes back and forth, as if he is trying to demonstrate a point about Michael. Coppola wanted to present Michaels complex character as an evil and good man at the same time. Also, Coppola used close ups during the scene to emphasize it more. In the Catholic Church, the priest was using Latin in the baptism; he shifted to English when he asked Michael questions about faith. This shifting between Latin and English was used to underline Michaels contrast between what he is saying and the murderous actions that he orders. The scenes in a film can be edited by either continuous action or parallel action. As for editing the baptism scene, a parallel action was used wisely to present Michaels personality and life. Cutting back and forth between scenes can be helpful to present events that happen at the same time. The parallel action highlighted the dishonesty and the darkness of Michaels soul and personality. Add to that, it presented the double life that he will live as the head of the family. Coppola used the image of the innocent baby, who is being washed for purity and sinfulness, to contrast it with Michaels life that is filled with sins and darkness. A rising action was starting; Michaels men were preparing for the murders and the priest was preparing the baby. Then the scene reached the peak when the priest asked Michael if he renounces Satan. The scene cut to the first murder of mafia, then cut back to Michael saying I do. The shifting between Michaels men preparing for a Mafia war and the religious ceremony getting started highlights the tension, the lies, the darkness, and the contrast of this ceremony. At the time where a baptism should be a religious ceremony to clean the soul from sins, the scene presented the opposite of that. We can see the hate and the shadow thats around Michaels life, as if this ceremony was a lie. Coppola was able to clearly present the complexity of Michaels soul and how each murder stresses out a new meaning. Combining the two events in one scene emphasizes Michaels title as the Godfather. We can clearly notice how Coppola used the four elements of filmmaking (Mise en scene, sound, cinematography, and editing) in this one scene to create the perfect atmosphere. Coppolas choice of using a religious music during the ceremony didnt change during the murders. However, he manipulated the level of sound by increasing it during the killings and decreasing it during baptizing the baby. As a result, the level of tension, fear and pressure increased, and the audience was able to see the real Michael. Michaels true personality was being revealed as the family man who deals with crime and murders. Using different lighting techniques during the ceremony was a clever move by Coppola. He focused the sun light only on the altar where the priest was baptizing the baby. However, he darkened most of the altar and especially the statute of Jesus Christ that was directed toward Michael. Michael being in the light and Jesus in the dark can imply or suggest the differences between them. People may see the use of lighting as a symbolic method to reveal Michaels duplicity. Especially when he rejected Satan in words, while, his men were murdering his enemies. To conclude, Coppola tried hard to introduce Michaels character and personality through the baptism scene. His way of using the simplest techniques to reach the point where people can really analyze the character, was powerful. Not all directors can demonstrate the different feelings that audiences felt throughout the scene. If this one religious scene created this amazing feeling of fear, dishonesty, and faith, what about the entire film? The Baptism ceremony was established to compare between Michaels life and what he pretend to be. Add to that, the cross-cutting between the murders and the ceremony helped showing the evil side of Michael. Coppola had the choice to separate the murders from the religious ceremony, but he chose to combine them to create this anxiety and nervousness feeling. Combining them was a success because the audience was able to live the scene and to understand each character aside. Some historians argue that films reflect the political and social mores of society at the time of its creation- is this an accurate statement? Is this subject matter of the movies we have watched driven by society or does society drive the entertainment industry to create films within a specific moral, social, or political context? Discuss. Coppola, one of the American directors who created powerful films with strong personal appeals, may share some of the cultural, social, and political mores that most American have. For example, after watching the Godfather, we cant help but say that it expresses some social or cultural mores that directors usually have with their audience. Godfather clearly reflects the American society in many ways: the mafia wars, the killings, and the family relationships. According to Quart and Auster (2002), the movie industry tries hard to perfectly utilize some social values to attract audience, who is most likely accepting those values and living on them. All films can be considered political as the Batman movie (1989) that point out several views about the American reality. However, we cant say that all cultural and political views in films can relate to audiences social and political beliefs; it is difficult to relate to them all the time. Most of the American films try not to eliminate the social patterns. Producers usually try to stylize the cultural or social world to let people live in this bubble of thrill or to let them escape the emotional reality. Films are usually built around the audiences dreams, the individuals heroism, or the individuals personality. In fact, this is what most Hollywoods movies are based on. We can see that from Home of the Brave to Platoon films, where the political events were included to define some characters fate or feeling. For instance, the producers in Platoon film included the Vietnam War to define and show the soldiers journey that he goes through. (Quart and Auster, 2002) When the U.S has entered World WarII, the film industry tried to support the war effort by producing some documentaries and short movies about the war. Also, the OWI (the office of War Information) joined the film industry to spread notion among people about supporting the war, and to maintain awareness about it. For example, during the war, Basil Rathbone has played as the brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes who defeated Nazis inhumanly acts. The film industry and the OWI were concerned about the rising tension in the society because of the war. Therefore, they wanted to create a national unity between people, and to present the U.S. as a unified country. Hollywood placed an effort during the war by producing movies. For instance, Hollywood realized that women had been left behind because their men joined the army; therefore, Hollywood produced series of films about how these men are scarifying themselves and their families, and how they are contributing their souls for war. This type of drama pleased and helped many people during the war especially women, who were presented as the supportive spouse. Hollywoods box offic e hit a new level because of people admiring the drama of these womens lives and their support for their brave men. (Grainge, Jancovich, and Monteith, 2007) After stating all these facts, I would have to say yes films reflect the political mores of society but not necessary directly; it could touch the audience in many simple ways. Films can be liberal, conservative, or confused when it comes to political events, and analysts are still trying to figure out the connection between them and the society. However, films are a reflection of the society because most movies now a day present part of our daily lives. Films present partly what a family, a teenager, a soldier, a child, and a woman go through every day. For instance, the movie New York talked about how the 9/11 has changed the life of three students who were studying at New York State University. This movie reflected many aspects of society, politics, war and darkness. Add to that, people are able to see the corruption and the dishonesty of the business world by watching the Corporate movie. It presented how women used their femininity to get jobs, how people killed others for silly excuses, and how teenagers took drugs and got pregnant. These entire movies clearly reflect the society as a whole, as if they are the mirror of societys culture and politics. Of course, there are other types of movies like fiction or animation movies that are produced to create a new world for some audience. To conclude, I believe that movies are driven by society and society is driven by them too. In fact, Movies are produced for people, and because people need them to escape their everyday routine. As a result, people get affected by many stories, actors, and styles presented in the movie. People, especially females, tend to follow the trends and fashion of movie stars, and they try to be them in every way possible. The images of these movie stars affect society as a whole. Lets take Hanna Montana films and series as an example for how teenager girls were copying her style, her clothes, and her life. We cant deny that society is driven by films, and that movies are driven by society because each one of them is connected with the other. They both complete each other. Society, especially since the last decade, is getting affected by movie stories; everyone wants to re-live them. Films in general are created as tools for people to perfectly reflect their economy, culture, and politics. Fi lms basically present societys values and beliefs at a certain time and place; each film reflects a certain era and a certain issue. Filmmakers always try to connect with audience through presenting something that may touch their lives or experiences. Finally, Films are now basically part of our lives, routine, and activities.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History About Ebay In Japan Marketing Essay

History About Ebay In Japan Marketing Essay eBay is an online auction service that has gained much publicity since their inauguration in the September of 1995 by a 28 year old software developer, Pierre Omidyar of Apple Incorporated. A pet project he initially called AuctionWeb, he posted up a faulty laser pointer to test his algorithm in the web application he created, someone actually offered him $14.83 for the faulty laser pointer stating that he collects such items. That incident started Pierre thinking and eBay was formed. Since then, eBay has been expanding their business worldwide. One of the countries which eBay has failed badly was Japan. They had a joint venture with NEC Corporation to form eBay Japan but the final results after 3 long years of fight that has been proven as futile attempts to make a foot hold in Japan, eBay Japan had no other choice but to withdraw because they lost out for not being there earlier, not enjoying a first mover advantage, the rise of the Rakuten Auctions as contender against Yahoo! Japan Auctions further dug eBay deeper into the oblivion against ever seeing themselves as a leader in Japan. Hiring the right country manager makes all the difference, eBay did not ensure the credentials and expertise of their country manager appointed for the task. Apart from that, the typical American style of Announcing their grand arrival even before they could sniff the air in Japan, gave competitors a chance to prepare themselves against anyone trying to steal their piece of the pie in Japan. Introduction of eBay When we hear of the word, Auction we often think of the famous Christie Auction house in England, located at King Street in St. James. The function of an auction house is to showcase rare or prized items that could fetch the highest price through an elaborate process that allows individuals with deep pockets to out-bid one another to purchase these items. Thanks to modern technology, these auctions are being brought on-line via the use of the Internet. Users can buy or sell items online through the same elaborate process, but at the comfort of their room, in front of their computers without the need to physically be at the location. eBay is one such on-line auction service that has gained much publicity since their inauguration in the September of 1995 by a 28 year old software developer, Pierre Omidyar of Apple Incorporated. A pet project he initially called AuctionWeb, he posted up a faulty laser pointer to test his algorithm in the web application he created, someone actually offered him $14.83 for the faulty laser pointer stating that he collects such items. That incident started Pierre thinking and eBay was formed. AuctionWeb became a new focus for Pierre. It occupied his entire domain,, acronym for Echo Bay (the name of his consulting firm). By 1996, the company was large enough to require professional help to make the concept, even more profitable. Jeffrey Skoll, Stanford MBA graduate, went onboard the profit spinning ship. Meg Whitman, a Harvard graduate soon joined the `crew and together with a formidable business team, created the modern day eBay that we know today. By 1998, the pioneers of the company were billionaires. Entry Strategies Entry Strategy 1 eBay Join Hands with NEC Corporation to enter Japan Market The joint venture with NEC Corporation to form eBay Japan seemed like a great idea. Infact, it is a great idea. Having a localized corporation to enter the Japanese market builds the credibility any foreign company will need. Having a myriad of possibilities from because they could trade with anything. eBay gained exposure through NECs contact with Biglobe, an Internet Service Provider. Much hype was anticipated as the CEO for eBay, Mr. Okawara, looked forward to bringing online auctioning to the Japanese people. However, the Japanese culture amongst the younger generation is to meet at malls, to try out new introductions into the Japanese market. Touch and Feel is what they prefer. Also, its a social norm in Japan that people meet at malls to socialize or just to look at people. What eBay tried to do, was to introduce another cultures norm into Japan. Though a workable and definitely profitable business model in the states and probably even in the western world, they failed to garner enough market sampling to warrant an entry into the Japanese market. Thats just part of the challenge they face. The other factor that had brought forth the early retreat from Japan is the presence of Yahoo Auctions in Japan. Yahoo entered the market in 1996, together with Softbank. The collaboration between Yahoo and Softbank was at the right time where the fad of the internet is still hot. They built the largest portal in Japan which in turn means their presence already had a huge market share from consumers and sellers alike who has loyalty to the company. Japanese people have high level of loyalty to product brandings and service providers. Another thing eBay Japan did not forsee is that, Japanese people, do not appreciate hand-me-downs, second hand goods. Entry Strategy 2 eBay Joins Hands with Yahoo! in Japan eBay has about 83 million users and Yahoo Japan has about 6.6 million registered users. eBay and Yahoo agreed to link their auction sites to facilitate cross-border trading and invigorate the online auction market. This would enable users of Yahoo Auctions Japan to bid for items listed on eBays US site using their Yahoo Japan ID, and eBay users in the US to buy items auctioned on Yahoo Japan using their eBay ID. The plan, which will enable registered users from Japan and North America to participate in a single marketplace. Japanese-language Website, unveiled by the companies will enable Yahoo Japan users to take part in eBay auctions and is part of a strategy to implement the integration. A reverse setup, enabling North American users to shop for items from Japan under an English-language bidding system. The eBay portal will initially feature Japanese licensed-character goods, comic books, and other collectibles listed on the Yahoo Japan auction site. The integrated marketplace will also offer services to streamline payment, shipping and customs clearance. International users were able to use the US based web site consumers craved trading in local currencies and the ease that domestic transactions presented. Disadvantages of Non-first movers for Auction Disadvantage 1 Unable to garner the interested customers The first disadvantage of not being the first mover to launch the online auction services has caused eBay Japan to lose the opportunity to garner the interested customer base who are first timers that really wanted to attempt the Online Auction services. Being the first mover would have allowed the first timer customers whom are interested to sign up and attempt this online auction services that has never been provided in Japan as many analyst believes that the launch would not have been successful due to the image consciousness character of the Japanese. Therefore, being only the second launching provided, eBay Japan has lost the genuine interested first timer customers as they have already signed up for the online auction services provided by Yahoo! Japan Auction when they launched the service in September 1999, which was five months before eBay Japan. Disadvantage 2 Unable to attract over Yahoo! Japan Auction loyal customer base The second disadvantage is eBay Japan is unable to attract over the loyal customer base garnered by Yahoo! Japan Auction five months before their launch. All the loyal customer base has already been used to the services provided by Yahoo! Japan Auction has got no intention to move over to eBay Japan. In addition, Yahoo! has been an established and best known brand in Japan for other services such as Yahoo! Email, search, etc however, in contrary, eBay has only been known for online auction services and limited to overseas which is outside Japan. Therefore, Japanese, who generally only trust reputable, well-known and established brands, are more comfortable using Yahoo! instead of eBay. Disadvantage 3 Comparison of first and second online auction service launcher The third disadvantage of not being the first mover is being compared to the first launcher. The customers has done a comparison between Yahoo! Japan Action and eBay Japan on the difference in the different areas such as charging listing fees, final value fees, branding strength. Yahoo! Japan Auction has launched the online auction services before eBay Japan with all services free and no any transaction charges at all. Therefore, in comparison, Japanese who are not willing to pay for the service are not willing to sign up for services for eBay Japan. Also, it has also proven that when eBay Japan has stopped the charging the fees as per the usual practice, the customer base and the number of listings has increased. Cultural Misunderstandings Cross cultural understanding simply refers to the basic ability of people within business to recognize, interpret and correctly react to people, incidences or situations that are open to misunderstanding due to cultural differences. If no cultural awareness, cultural sensitive was established before launching into a different culture, itll cause cultural misunderstanding, in long term, resulting in business failure. Misunderstanding 1 Not fully understanding the mindset of a different culture For eBay Japan, during the initial launch into Japan, they had not understood in depth the business dealing ways of Japanese. eBay instead of modifying the American-centric service model to fit the Japanese market needs, they chose to force the Japanese consumers to fit into the current American-centric company service model. eBay charged commissions of up to 5% and required acutely risk-averse Japanese users to submit credit card information on signup. This service model did not go well with the Japanese. Most of the internet savvy people come from the young Japanese who did not own any credit card. Even so, Japan was a largely cash-based society, they preferred to pay for purchases with cash or through banks transfers instead of online credit card payments. This has therefore resulted in the poor sign-up figures after the launch of eBay Japan. Misunderstanding 2 Failing to hire the right person eBay Japan also erred in selecting for country head. In the selection of country manager, the issue of language is overplayed. They can actually hire a bilingual executive assistant, translator, or interpreter for a fraction of what it costs to hire a country manager. Making language skills a key recruiting criterion severely reduces the pool of potential candidates. Rather than focus on language skills, eBay Japan has failed to care about the truly important things, like a country managers strategic thinking ability, his track record managing comparable businesses, industry knowledge, and, ultimately, whether or not he can successfully build and motivate a local team, introduce new products, and gain market share in a highly competitive market. In Japan organization structure, the HR organization in a leading Japanese company is at the top of the hierarchy. In the US, its at the bottom. It has to be empowered, it must have very top people, it must engage with peopleits not about recruiting-eBay Japan had failed to utilize the talents of Japan based foreigners who had many years of valuable experience managing in Japan, as well as relevant industry knowledge and connections, who can help successfully navigate Japan market entry, smoothen interactions between head office and Japan-based operations. Misunderstanding 3 Unprepared for new Culture eBay Japan did something that American companies are notorious for, something that had cost them dearlynamely, they made grandiose announcements about their entry into the Japanese market, well before they had a localized product ready to launch in Japan. While missing the first mover advantage was perhaps eBays Japan single biggest blunder, the lack of traction in Japan for eBay products had too caused the failure of entry. Therefore, with the culture shock, eBay has failed to penetrate the Japan market as eBay Japan was not accepted widely by the Japanese in terms of their entry to Japan and their working style when operating the online auction services. The Current Status of eBay To recap, eBay Inc. tried to open its popular auction service under its subsidiary eBay Japan established in 1999, withdraw in March 2002 after failing to capture significant market share against Yahoo! Auction. Ebay partnered Yahoo! Japan, the Japan biggest portal offering online auction services. Together both companies designed a separate stand alone site, Sekaimon. English meaning for the Japanese term Global Shopping. Sekaimon site is able to translate items listed on eBay into Japanese, help with payments, shipping and customs clearance for Japanese shoppers. The alliance benefits users of both sites. Sellers will be able to reach out to a wider audience for their goods, meanwhile buyers will able to choose from a richer selection of products that are on offer. The impact of the deal will mean more in certain areas. For example, U.S. music fans will be able to easily purchase many of the limited edition CDs that Western artists release in Japan, while Japanese movie enthusiasts will be able to find a wider array of DVDs that are not available locally. Ebay users to have an easier time buying Japanese goods that are popular abroad, such as popular manga comics books, CDs and merchandise that feature Japanese animation characters and mascots. Yahoo! Japan users can login using their Yahoo! Japan ID and purchase translated eBay items with customize Japanese menu and online agent support. Hence, in order to achieve their vision, eBay must overcome various issues such as language barriers, government regulations, internet access and cultural differences. Ebay attempt to deal with the challenge of conducting transactions in multiple languages, where the sellers interact in one language and potential buyers in another.   Sellers using eBays Japanese site, Sekaimon, who want to offer their items on any English language eBay sites will be able to enter descriptions of up to 200 Japanese characters and get them translated within a day for about $12.34. By enabling this translation service, it helps to boost and introduce more Japanese products into eBay sites. Thus, eBay has successfully turned a challenge to its global growth into a new revenue stream while increasing its value proposition. eBay has a significant challenge in dealing with cultural differences, such as high uncertainty avoidance culture in Japan. eBay is dealing with this by structuring strategic partnerships with reliable entity when it struck a deal with Yahoo! Japan, after numerous attempts yet failing to penetrate the market independently.  eBay adopts localization strategy, where it replicates smaller and culturally sensitive portions of its content in specific markets such as Japan and China. By doing so, it value adds towards ensuring easy usage and adaptability in new or low tech markets.   Conclusion eBay made all the wrong moves in their attempt to extend their services to Japan. Not hiring the right people who can competently study the market in Japan to know if it is a viable business preposition to even attempt the creation of eBay Japan. eBay did not understand the culture in Japan. Basic business ventures to a foreign country requires everyone to understand and work with the cultural styles. eBay tried to force their American centric service model upon the Japanese people, it will never work unless they were the first to setup the service in the country where people may just think that, thats the way eBay did not pay attention to the presence of Yahoo! Japan Auctions and went in blind. To make matters worst, they announced their plans and created quite a fanfare to path their way into Japan way before they could even set foot in the country. Its like telling the enemies at war, Were coming from the south island at dawn. Recommended alternatives Conducting a business in any country requires business planners to conduct extensive market research, sampling the market sentiments for products or services that are to be introduced into the country. The people after all, are the sources of income. How can a company sell a product or service to people of a different lifestyle, who have different needs and perception of how they want to be sold a service or product? After identifying what the people want, the company should look into competitors and their position in the market as well. Gauge their own size and see if they are able to go up against on a head-on battle or to find a niche market to carve out a position for themselves and slowly expand from there. Recommendation The most important point among the alternatives that is recommended to eBay during the new set-up is to identify what their target audience wants.It is imperative that the barrier for entries be understood prior embarking on any non-localized businesses. It is very important to understand the culture of the target audience, understand the needs and the wants of the target audience before entering into a brand new market that the organization has never had their presence before. It very important to understand the direction of the target audience before entrance, in which, refers to the current competitors in the market. The current market share of the competitors, the number of competitors in the market and how does the target audience view this competitor. Need be, make a joint venture with existing service provider that has already penetrated into the market in order to leverage on their expertise and also the expertise of local talents and foreign talents living in the country.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Education In Check :: essays research papers

Education In-Check   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In John Holts essay, “Freedom for Children'; he discusses how children should have their own right to decide how much, when, and what to learn. Holt states that by taking children’s right to learn, we are taking a fundamental right away from them. He also states that, to adults, the right to decide what does and does not interest us is taken for granted and that we are unknowingly taking this right away from children. Holt also states that by sending children to school six hours a day, 180 days a year, for about 10 years we are limiting them. Holt concludes that children are no longer learning, but rather are taught what adults think they should know. I personally disagree with Holts on this matter. If children had the right to control their education, what would stop them from even going or learning things that could be damaging to society? I feel the have plenty of rights as it is.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children today have many rights already in the field of education. In elementary school, no one forces them to stop learning. They can always choose to further their education, by reading perhaps. In high school, there are a variety of classes a student can choose from. All these classes can be selected to fit an individual student. Classes ranging from art and drama all the way up to advanced placement physics are at the disposal of those who want to learn. No one forces children to take these classes. Students take these classes of their own free will. Once in college, a student has the right to choose whatever major they feel fit to be in. If they don’t like that major, they can always change it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What would happen if students were allowed to come and go as they please? All too often, students would never go to class. They would abuse their right and spend their days having fun. I have personally seen friends leave school because they don’t want to be there. If they didn’t have to be there they would not have come in the first place. There are certain things that students should know. Basic math and English skills are required jus to get by in today’s society. If these basic skills are never learned, we risk having an underdeveloped society full of uneducated people. Our world would literally crumble because we run the chance of people not knowing anything. Education In Check :: essays research papers Education In-Check   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In John Holts essay, “Freedom for Children'; he discusses how children should have their own right to decide how much, when, and what to learn. Holt states that by taking children’s right to learn, we are taking a fundamental right away from them. He also states that, to adults, the right to decide what does and does not interest us is taken for granted and that we are unknowingly taking this right away from children. Holt also states that by sending children to school six hours a day, 180 days a year, for about 10 years we are limiting them. Holt concludes that children are no longer learning, but rather are taught what adults think they should know. I personally disagree with Holts on this matter. If children had the right to control their education, what would stop them from even going or learning things that could be damaging to society? I feel the have plenty of rights as it is.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children today have many rights already in the field of education. In elementary school, no one forces them to stop learning. They can always choose to further their education, by reading perhaps. In high school, there are a variety of classes a student can choose from. All these classes can be selected to fit an individual student. Classes ranging from art and drama all the way up to advanced placement physics are at the disposal of those who want to learn. No one forces children to take these classes. Students take these classes of their own free will. Once in college, a student has the right to choose whatever major they feel fit to be in. If they don’t like that major, they can always change it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What would happen if students were allowed to come and go as they please? All too often, students would never go to class. They would abuse their right and spend their days having fun. I have personally seen friends leave school because they don’t want to be there. If they didn’t have to be there they would not have come in the first place. There are certain things that students should know. Basic math and English skills are required jus to get by in today’s society. If these basic skills are never learned, we risk having an underdeveloped society full of uneducated people. Our world would literally crumble because we run the chance of people not knowing anything.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Coleridges Rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay -- Coleridge Rime Ancien

Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner In Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner the reader finds an enduring tale. Although the poem is nearly 200 years old it remains a popular piece by way of the novel juxtapositions and contradictions that are so eloquently described that the reader is both drawn in by the logic of the descriptions as well as fascinated by the complete unreality depicted in the poem. It is highly unlikely anyone could claim an understanding of the events told by the Ancient Mariner—the reader today, as well as in Coleridge’s time is akin to the man in the wedding party, listening to the Mariner’s tale with a mix of horror, astonishment and disbelief. However, also like this man we are compelled to continue reading (in his case listening) to the story and are left changed by it. Today’s reader is more profoundly affected by the intricacies of Coleridge’s ideas than the man confronted by an eerie old man in the poem. This reader found the juxtaposition of l iving versus non-living things particularly gruesome and compelling for it is the backbone of this and any horror(ific) story. The poem begins by putting into conversation the Ancient Mariner, one already near death and the young wedding guest. The mariner is at points in the poem feared to be one already among the dead or spirit world as he tells his tale of a most surreal and fatal sea passage, whereas Coleridge chooses a wedding, an event where two lives are just beginning as one, and picks a young man who is described as listening to the story â€Å"like a three-years’ child.† (Line 19) A three year old being one who has just begun his life. By setting this scene with these two characters, Coleridge has already contrasted elements of t... ...ot and come back to life to perform their functions, then die again and rise up once more The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is swollen with imagery of life, lifelessness, and death but not with any traditional descriptions. Coleridge is able to change the nature of death and life to fit his needs and the needs of his story. At the conclusion of the poem we the reader and the wedding guest are left â€Å"sadder and a wiser man† (Line 624) with lesson of what can happen if you are not good to your fellow creatures. While this moral holds true to the cause of the curse through the death of the Albatross it seems a strange ending to a much more morbid story. The blurring and crossing over of concrete concept is the real gift the reader is left to ponder. This talent for manipulation adds to the attraction of the poem and to the lengthened popularity of Coleridge’s works.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Bento as a Culture in Japan

The bento as a culture in Japan ID NO. 12411099 Word count: 1075 It is very convenient that students who study in APU can go to convenience store buying bento as lunch or dinner. In fact, everyday there are so many people who are students or businessmen buying bento as their lunch when they have no time to eat lunch in resturant or made by hand. In some way, bento is a pretty important culture in Japan society. Bento first appeared in ancient period in Japan, which mostly stood for more wealthy class people. On the contrast, especially for the rural residents just took some rice balls when they went out do to something.The rice balls were considered formed in Yayoi era of the late (about two centuries before and after), which has been had a very long history. The rice balls was called † grip rice† (nigirimeshi), or â€Å"imperial Results† (omusubi) to the Edo period. From this point of view, we can know that bento has a long history in Japan, and it is a kind of sp ecial culture of Japanese. Lunch sale has become a highlight to attract customers to buy the bento in various large convenience stores, such as â€Å"7-11†, â€Å"Family-mart†, â€Å"Lawson†.They use lots of ways showing their bento, and constantly develop the bento in new-types and new-tastes. According to the seasons change, they make the inexpensive bento but in good color, flavor, and taste. Japanese are usually accustomed to cold food, but in the winter they can use the microwave in the convenience store heating the bento by free. It shows that the Japanese people about the natural view. Japan is a seaboard country, they accept the most of food by the sea, so they have a highly respect to the sea. The price of bento is generally in the range from 450 yen to 700 yen.The qualities of bento in lunch house and lunch share seems to be above the supermarkets and convenience stores, because the food is fresh, and probably also serves soup. Lunch of the forms from the wicker suitcase, bamboo baskets, exquisite lacquer box, aluminum lunch boxes has already evolved into today's plastic or wood containers which are more convenient to take and heat. So why is bento so popular in Japan? Firstly, the bento stores are very popular. According to the survey, every province has almost 1000 bento stores in Japan. It indicates that the bento is a very important culture in Japan.Secondly, the economics decides the popular degree of bento in Japan. Thirdly, It can keep the balance of nutrition in daily life. Especially it is convenient for the businessmen who face much pressure of working. In particular, in Japan, the businessmen who are working in Japanese company always have to work overtime up to night, they don't have much time on meal, so the bento is convenient and important for them. Most of them can buy the bento in convenience stores, or the people who have already got married can take the bento which made by their wives.Most of married men who ta ke the bento from the family will feel a sense of happiness. It can deepen the relationship between husband and wife, promote the families getting more harmonious and happy. Lastly, bento has a power invaluable. Most of schools in Japan implement activity that called bento no hi. It is a activity that let children buy the ingredients of food what they want to cook, and then cook by themselves and the parents just only tell them how to cook. It also promote the interaction between parents and children.In the school, the children will show their bento each other, and it let them know how hard cooking. It even promote that the part of children choose to research the diet or the work about the diet sell. From above all, it shows that the bento as a culture in Japan society how important. The bento has a close relationship with the Japanese culture and society. Food is full of the bento box indicates that a smart Japanese culture. Bridging culture is like a bento box that is full of so m any things in a narrow space. It is not only the quantities of requirements, but also require the qualities.Except the reduced consciousness reflect the reduced things, in society, the team spirit of Japanese people and the spirit of seriousness are as well as a kind of reflection of reduced consciousness. In other words, bridging culture is very important for Japanese people. The bento culture can be seem from the Japanese reduced consciousness. How about bento in my country? In China, in fact, there is not having so many different kinds of bento. Most of people choose to eat in resturant, family, or fast food. In some ways, fast food is seen as a kind of bento.It has so many fast food stores in China, such as McDonald's, KFC. Most Chinese students and young adults like eating these fast food. The most of fast food is cooked by fried, which is full of oil, fat, and salt. It is unhealth for body. If people eat it very much and very frequency, it will lead to caner even death. And th e fast food is not fresh, in some ways, it maybe not very clean in the process of cooking. But why are so many people loving it in China? I think it is depends on the different country country has different diet culture. Japanese people love hanami in different seasons.Especially they enjoy sakura in spring. And of course, they will take the bento with them, and they eat the bento with their families or friends in the trees while they enjoy sakura. This is a special culture in Japan. They feel it can release the stress in the daily life when they eating bento in the sakura trees. Above all of the contents, bento has a long history in Japan, bento gradually develops an art , and a kind of driving force. According to the development of bento, it shows that the development and change of Japan society clearly.At the same time, it indicates that the outlook and attitude on life of Japanese people in nowadays. According to the bento, it make a close relationship between individual and soc iety, and it make people know each other as well as. The bento culture is a backbone of Japanese culture, it is a impetus that promote the development in Japan. References: : 2008 : ,2009 (2010/3/10) (Wikipedia). http://ja. wikipedia. org/wiki. : 2008.